Ordinary Day on TRL Voting Contest


Rules and Regulations

  1. The contestant with the most votes wins!

  2. Contestants must be a member of and have a valid Email address that they used to sign up for  Click here to sign up if you haven't.

  3. Contestants must use our voting form to submit their votes.  This is the only way we can keep track of your vote.

  4. The contest ends when the Ordinary Day video is retired from TRL.

  5. The winner will receive an autographed picture of Vanessa Carlton!

  6. The leadership of can not participate in the contest.

If you have any questions, please feel free to send me an Email at


After you're sure you meet the requirements above,
Click here to go to our form and start voting!

Many thanks to Kev222 for all of his hard work in creating the form for us! is not affiliated with MTV nor their subsidiaries.